TV film The Other of Me

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TV film The Other of Me (Moj drugi) were shown for the first time on 8 th of August 2006 in Hotel Bristol in Mostar. The film was made in Jerusalem and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tolerance issue and its various foundations have been explored in this film, with the purpose to develop new approaches in pluralism, and at the same time to preserve loyalty towards tradition and religious identity. Author of the film is Rusmir Mahmutćehajić, and director is Faruk Lončarević. Camera men are: Ron Baversky, Ilhan Dervović and Almir Đikoli. Film narrators are: Kenneth Bailey, Jill Carroll, Valerie Dixon, Enver Ferhatović, Shlomo Fischer, Claudia Horwitz, Rusmir Mahmutćehajić, Adam B. Seligman, Shimshon Zelniker. Film premiere was integral part of the International Conference "Unity and plurality in Europe ” which were held in Mostar on 8 th and 10 th of August 2006. Film is joint work of IFB, BHT 1, Institut Van Leer and Yesodot School for Study of Torah and Democracy.
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