The Future of Interfaith Dialogue Muslim-Christian Encounters through A Common Word

Yazid Said, Liverpool Hope University Lejla Demiri, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, November 2018.

Table of Contents

Part I. The Inception of A Common Word:
1. The inception of a common word Tim Winter
2. From intra-religious to interreligious dialogue: the Amman message as a precursor and companion to the a common word initiative Jonathan Kearney
3. A common word leading to uncommon dialogue Michael Louis Fitzgerald
Part II. Responses to A Common Word:
4. A common word for the common good Rowan Williams
5. The world in which we respond to God's word Ingrid Mattson
6. Love of neighbour in the face of religious trauma Reuven Firestone
7. An overview of Christian responses to a common word Sarah Snyder
8. Seeking humility and self-critique: a Christological analysis of a common word Peter Admirand
Part III. The Scriptures and A Common Word (A Critical Reading of the Use of Scriptures in the ACW Document):
9. The protocol of interfaith dialogue: Qur'anic imperatives in a globalizing world Asma Afsaruddin
10. Our next word in common: Mea Culpa? Daniel A. Madigan
11. A common word or a word of justice? Two Qur'anic approaches to Christian-Muslim dialogue Pim Valkenberg
12. The use of Christian scripture in a common word Clare Amos
Part IV. Reception of A Common Word:
13. A common word as potentially reflected in different languages Rusmir Mahmutćehajić
14. 'Love thy neighbour': a moral imperative? Mustafa Abu Sway
15. 'An unknown word': reflections on the reception of a common word in Germany Matthias Böhm
16. Taking inspiration from a common word for a musical dialogue Amir Dastmalchian
Part V. A Common Word and the Future:
17. A common word as contextual theology Marianne Farina
18. A common word and Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazālī's love of God Yazid Said
19. Epilogue Yazid Said.

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